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Old October 14, 2009, 08:51 PM
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Default Omega Point: The Complete Fielder's Manual

Philosophy Of Omega Point

Omega Point is a term invented by the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to describe a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which the universe appears to be evolving.
Teilhard de Chardin was a visionary theologian and evolutionary theorist was an ordained Jesuit priest who codiscovered the famous "Peking Man" fossils. In his book he maintains that just like living beings emergedfrom organic matter and evolved into ever more complex thinking beings, humans are evolving toward an "omega point"—which he defined a convergence with the Divine.

In this theory, the universe is constantly developing towards higher levels of material complexity and consciousness, a theory of evolution that Teilhard called the Law of Complexity/Consciousness. For Teilhard, the universe can only move in the direction of more complexity and consciousness if it is being drawn by a supreme point of complexity and consciousness.

Teilhard postulates the Omega Point as the supreme point of complexity and consciousness, which is not only as the term of the evolutionary process, but is also the actual cause for the universe to grow in complexity and consciousness. In other words, the Omega Point exists as supremely complex and conscious, independent of the evolving universe. I.e., the Omega Point is transcendent. In interpreting the universe this way, Teilhard kept the Omega Point within the orthodox views of the Christian God, who is transcendent (independent) of his creation.Teilhard argued that the Omega Point resembles the Christian Logos, namely Christ, who draws all things into himself, who in the words of the Nicene Creed, is "God from God", "Light from Light", "True God from true God," and "through him all things were made."
Five Attributes of the Omega Point

Teilhard de Chardin's The Phenomenon of Man states that the Omega Point must possess the following five attributes. It is:
  • Already existing.
    Only thus can the rise of the universe towards higher stages of consciousness be explained.
  • Personal – an intellectual being and not an abstract idea.
    The complexification of matter has not only led to higher forms of consciousness, but accordingly to more personalization, of which human beings are the highest attained form in the known universe. They are completely individualized, free centers of operation. It is in this way that man is said to be made in the image of God, who is the highest form of personality. Teilhard expressly stated that in the Omega Point, when the universe becomes One, human persons will not be suppressed, but super-personalized. Personality will be infinitely enriched. This is because the Omega Point unites creation, and the more it unites, the more the universe complexifies and rises in consciousness. Thus, as God creates the universe evolves towards higher forms of complexity, consciousness, and finally with humans, personality, because God, who is drawing the universe towards Him, is a person.
  • Transcendent.
    The Omega Point cannot be the result of the universe's final complexification of itself on consciousness. Instead, the Omega Point must exist even before the universe's evolution, because the Omega Point is responsible for the rise of the universe towards more complexity, consciousness and personality. Which essentially means that the Omega Point is outside the framework in which the universe rises, because it is by the attraction of the Omega Point that the universe evolves towards Him.
  • Autonomous – that is, free from the limitations of space (nonlocality) and time (atemporality).
  • Irreversible, that is, attainable.
Application of theory

Chardin mentions noosphere comprising of Thought the ultimate elan vital that culminate to a supreme consciousness. In his viewpoint there exists a "development of mankind into a single psychological unit, a single noosystem or common pool of thought, this called Omega. This "take over" occurs everytime during any NFL football game, soccer teamwork in perfect coordination, from the art of street surveillance to the scams, and of course in any musical concert where an individual "rise above his system" and works in harmony in a whole group like the synchrnozied swimmers. Everything seem to work and flow automatically channeled through the closed sub-unit and they can literally make magic to take place.


Omega is the collective consciousness of an unit. However, they can represent each individual fielder. They will be denoted with the Greek letter for Omega, Ω.


The science of fielding naturally resolves itself under two heads.
First, stopping the ball by a catch at the hop or on the ground, and second, by returning it to the wickets.
This is the basic premise of compartmentalization or modularization.

It might be thought by the uninitiated that the mere return of the ball, after having succeeded in stopping it, is a matter of the simplest kind, and hardly worth speaking of, much less investing with the dignity of a disquisition.

But the real fact is, that a perfect return to the wickets is very rarely attained, even by first class players; presumably, therefore, the art is more difficult to acquire than its necessary preliminary, the more stopping of the ball.

Certain it is, that with beginners, however apt, correctness and quickness of return is invariably the last thing they ever master.

But more of this in its proper place.

Stopping the Ball - In doing this, as in everything else, there is a right way and a wrong way.

The beginner should take care to find out which is the right way, and should then carefully practice that and none other.

Every time he stops the ball, he is either forming a good habit or a bad one.

Of course this is true in other things besides cricket; but it is of more importance in cricket than elsewhere, because the cricketer is almost entirely a creature of habit.

He has no time, when the moment for action arrives, to consider how he shall play; so short is the space allowed him, in general, in which to act, whether in the field or at the wickets, that a habit of instant, unhesitating adaptation of his play to the ball is his only chance. A good habit, therefore, a correct attitude, taking the word in its fullest sense, as signifying the arrangement of every finger, of every muscle in the body, is of primary, vital importance to every would-be cricketer. There is a very common saying about 'attitude being everything' - but the saying is perfectly true for all that.
Be it remembered though, that there is a vast difference between assuming at all times a correct attitude, and that detestable abomination in a cricketer - attitudinizing: the one is indispensable, the other to be shunned like the plague. Since attitude, therefore, is of so much importance, let us try to see, so far as mere verbal description may serve us, what is correct attitude. Every ball ought to be stopped by the hand or hands, the position of the hands, therefore, is the first thing to be considered. IN stopping the ball the player has two things to consider, first to stop the ball, secondly to do so at the least possible inconvenience to himself. Some might think that this arrangement might be reversed, and personal immunity made the first object; but this is not the principle of a true cricketer.

First then, to stop a ball in the air, or in other words, to catch it.

It matters not whether the ball comes fast or slow, the method of receiving it is the same, and is this: the hands must be held with the fingers well spread out and slightly curved inwards, like so many hooks or claws; the thumb must be stretched well back, also slightly curved, and the palm must be made to assume a slightly cup-like form; the result of this arrangement is that the impact of the ball almost closes the hand by its mere actions on the tendons, the palm is driven backwards, and the fingers close almost involuntarily upon the ball.

To avoid very unpleasant consequences to the ringers, such as broken bones or dislocated joints, the hands should never be held with the line of the fingers, reckoning from the wrist to the tips, pointing in the direction of the course of the ball - this line should always be at right angles to its course. That is, if the ball be well in a line with the body and above the chest, the fingers should point upwards; if much below the chest, they must point downwards; if the ball pass much to either side, the line of the hand must be across its course. In a falling ball the palms must be upwards, for a rising ball downwards.

Of course the position of the palm and fingers above mentioned must be preserved.

In using both hands, for a low ball the fingers must be brought together (both palms to the front), and slightly interlaced; for a high ball the thumbs must be brought together in like manner. Further, to save the hands and wrists from unnecessary jars, the hands should be always held in such a way, that either by the flexion of the elbows, or the yielding of the hands, the ball may be received as upon a spring, and not upon an unyielding body. In taking a ball directly in his front, the player must take care that his hands are not driven in upon his body, by an unexpectedly sharp ball; if the part with which his hand comes in contact be hard, woe to his hands; if soft, woe to that part. I have seen men receive very unpleasant 'facers' from their own knuckles in this way, either from carelessness or awkwardness, or both.

To acquire this art of stopping the ball correctly, it is well to begin with catching it from gentle tosses at short distances, gradually increasing both the distance and the speed of the ball, being careful the while, at each attempt to note whether the position of the hands was in rule, and endeavoring to correct the defects as they show themselves.
The same practice should be tried with a rolling ball, and then a bounding ball.
A fair proficiency having been acquired in these initiatory practices, the tyro may proceed to the more ambitious points in fielding. But first he must learn to stop the ball, both on the ground and in the air, with right or left hand alone, and must not rest satisfied until he can thus use either hand equally well.

With most men the left hand is weaker and less under control than the right, and should therefore be more exercised.

It will be found a useful plan to practice principally the weaker hand, paying little attention to the stronger, which is sure to take care of itself. In order to learn the more brilliant points of fielding, the learner should first get a friend to throw the ball to him to field, from all distances in all sorts of ways, and with varying speed and delivery, until every ball that comes within reach is stopped with absolute certainty. I have found it a very useful practice in training elevens of boys, to take some three or four out in the field, set up one stump, and then standing there as wicket keeper, throw the ball to one or another, stationed at various distances around, and require quick handling and a sharp return. When the art of stopping a ball thrown from the hand has been fully mastered, the next step is to practice to balls sent from the bat. This is not such a matter of course as might appear. I have known many a player who was 'death' on a throw, by no means too safe in real fielding to the bat. The fact is, there is a very material difference in the way in which a ball comes to the hand, from a throw or from a bat; moreover, the sight of a ball from a bat is not so good as that from a throw.

In a throw, there is first the movement of the arm to guide the eye, and secondly a settled starting point for the ball, i.e., the hand; but with the bat, until the ball is actually struck, it is never quite certain what will be its actual course, nor can the precise part of the bat from which the ball will come be confidently predicted.
I would strongly advise, a sedulous devotion to fielding to the bat upon every possible occasion.

A beginner cannot do better than devote himself, when others are practicing bowling and batting, to the somewhat despised - alas, that it should be so - duty of fagging out in the field; trying his powers at all points; more especially at long stop.

There is no place in the field where more real cricket may be learned and practiced than in this. Nor should the young player on these occasions rest satisfied with merely fielding the ball more or less creditably; he will find it a useful change from what is otherwise liable to become a somewhat monotonous task, and what is more a most improving practice, to study his weak points, as he fields each ball, and try to overcome them.

For instance, when long-stopping, to stand somewhere about the place of long-slip, and then try to stop the ball, crossing it at right angles, and using only the left hand.
I left-handed, he might stand on the other side, and practice picking up with the right.
In the field too, practice in picking up a ball at half volley, that is, just as its rise from the ground, is most improving.

Almost any ball that pitches reasonably near, and yet short of the fieldsman, may be taken this way, and the catcher must force himself to take all he can thus, as he will see that a mastery of this, perhaps the most difficult of all points, will give him a wonderful command over the ball at all other times.

We will suppose that the learner has now mastered thoroughly all the points of near and out fielding, that, so far as stopping the ball is concerned, he is ready to take his place at long-stop, slip, point, or anywhere, without fear of letting anything by him.

So far so good. But let him not fancy that he has mastered the whole art and mystery of fielding. He has learnt much, but yet only a moiety of the whole, a very important one I grant, but not of any very great value unless backed up by its equally, if not more, important remaining half. Stopping the ball is all very well, but returning it in true style to the wickets is perhaps better.

Nothing shows a good cricketer so well as clean handling of the bal (by which I mean receiving it at once into the hand without any fumbling or clutching), and quick, accurate return to the wickets. I once saw a man run out in an eleven and twenty-two match, by a splendid specimen of quick, neat fielding.

The batsman, one of the best in the twenty-two, young and active, hit a ball hard to cover point, and started to run, only one pace. With an ordinary field he would have made his one, and perhaps two runs, but Hayward was there, and to cricketers' talk, 'got in his way' - he ran forward, scooped up the ball in his left hand, passed it to his right, chest high, and returned it so true and straight to the wickets, that it was only by inquiry that the spectators could decide whether the ball took the bails before or after reaching the wicket-keeper's hands.

As it happened, the wicket was 'all there,' and had the bails down before the too eager batsman could regain his ground. A better piece of cricket, both in the field and at the wicket I never saw. Indeed, nothing better could be seen - for it was perfection.

I am persuaded that that incident alone cost our side - not counting the probable runs the unlucky batsman might have made, be nearly made his score the second innings, what with ones that might have been twos, and unproductive hits that might have been ones - and so on; at least twenty runs, to say nothing of its influence upon the nerves of the succeeding batsman, certainly not to be braced by the near attentions of such terrible fieldsmen.

Consider, therefore, O, suckling cricketer, that until you can return the ball, upon the instant of handling it, fairly and sharply to the top of the bails, your talents, however great in the stopping line, are nothing worth.

Not only must the ball, to be properly fielded, be handled neatly and returned sharply, it must be met.

The fieldsman must not be content to stand still to let the ball come to him, running only when the ball would pass him on one side or the other; the ball must be met.
A good fieldsman starts instinctively forward to every ball that comes his way.
Not, only, too, must the player run to meet the ball, but he must continue to run until the ball has actually left his hands on the way back to the wickets.

Many players, too many indeed, run until just upon the ball, and then stop to throw it, not recognizing the value of the time thus lost.

What with the difference between the place where the ball might have been taken and where it was taken, with the loss of energy of action resulting from the dead stop, the loss of the distance the player would have passed over in the necessary step or two after taking the ball and before returning it, and finally the loss of additional impetus in the return to the wickets, a very tolerable case of woeful loss of time might be made out.

I used to play, a few years ago, with an eleven, wherein was a man in whom this habit was inveterate. I often joked him, and also, tried, vainly, to argue him out of it, but to no purpose; he would not even allow that it was a fault. One day, however, we chanced to be playing a home match, and on opposite sides. When it came to be my turn to go in, I told him as I passed him that I would back myself to get a run every time he had a ball to field. I had often told him before that it was possible, and he had always said, 'Only let' em try;' now my theory was to be put to the test. I saw he was bracing himself up to look extra sharp after the ball, but still I was pretty confident that standing, as he did, at long-field off, he must give a chance every ball, unless he ran fairly in. Very soon I had an opportunity, and sent a ball his way, and following it up, got safely home well before the ball was returned.

My opposite soon followed suit in the same way; and we stole at least half-a-dozen runs, amidst the cheers of our side, and the growlings loud and deep of our opponents, before he would condescend, or, indeed, conquer his old habits of false play to run well into the ball. He did at last, and then there was such a near shave for the crease, that we judged it best to discontinue our 'little game.' The most extraordinary part of the affair was, that it did not cure him, or even bring him to confess his error. Last time I saw him play, he was playing in exactly the old style, not a movement or an attitude altered. Of as much importance as quickness of return is the straightness. A ball well thrown in should come in as nearly a straight line from the fieldsman's hands to the bails as possible. If thrown from a distance, the less the height of its flight the less time will it occupy in transit, and the less chance of runs will there be for the batsman. A sky-scraping throw is an abomination to a real cricketer. The great aim of a fieldsman, in returning the ball, should be to bring it to the wicket-keeper's hands as quickly as possible. That, too, in such a manner, that the least possible movement may be necessary to displace the bails. One more most important word of advice to the fieldsman, and then we must proceed with the other branches of our subject. Remember, that as long as the ball is in play, never take your eyes off it, or let your attention wander from it. Watch it all over the field with the same devoted attention as you might bestow were you in the last stage of love, and the ball were the object of your affection. This is more important than might be supposed.
In the first place, only so can you guarantee yourself form an awkward blow from a stray ball. In the second, be always ready for any of those numberless chances that occur in cricket.
The ball has always a shrewd knack of coming in one's direction, exactly when least expected and least prepared for.. I remember distinctly. I was once fielding for three hours at long-field. The day being chilly, and my work not being enough to warm me, I thought of donning my jacket. Being impatient of the cold, and quite unexpectant of having anything to do, I was guilty of the un-cricketer-like set of putting, or rather trying to put, on my jacket in the midst of an over - when I put on my left arm through one sleeve, and was just getting the other in, when a puff of wind took it and wrapped it round my arm and shoulder. At that very moment, as if it had been watching the opportunity, the ball came towards me. I ran to meet it, and - I didn't make it!. Oh, the agony of that moment! The man I did not catch out made fifty-two runs afterwards without giving the slightest chance! Let this be a warning to the careless and inattentive. At any moment the whole fortunes of a match may depend upon any one of the individuals playing. A moment's inattention or hesitation - a single moment's unreadiness - may change the whole fortunes of the day.

Steadiness - Its Importance

Last, but by no means least, of the virtues to be cultivated by the Fieldsman, and indeed by cricketers at all points - butting, bowling or fielding - is steadiness.

By this I mean not only steadiness of conduct, though that is a very needful trait of a cricketer's character, but steadiness of nerve - the steadiness, in short, though in a different degree, of the soldier under fire.

No man who is liable to be flurried and lose his nerve can ever be good for much as a cricketer. Here lies one great advantage of the Professional players over the Amateurs: the Professionals have no nerve at all to speak of - at least if they have they themselves are quite unconscious of the fact; they look upon the game as a matter of business, and consequently take its many variations with the most perfect nonchalance.

If they are not in luck one day they are pretty sure to be so the next.

A long experience has shown them that matters balance themselves very regularly at the close of the season.

That, taking one match with another, fortune is sure to declare in the main in favor of the better players.

The confidence thus derived from experience and natural constitution gives the Professional player that admirable steadiness and self-command under circumstances of excitement and trial that prove of such incalculable service against the perhaps more earnest, but certainly more excitable amateur players.

Never, or very rarely, do you see a professional give an over-throw, through wild throwing, in circumstances of excitement. On the contrary, if it be possible to find any fault, the Professionals err on the side of too much coolness and deliberation. In being too confident.

Years and hard work have mostly tamed down the ardor of our leading Professionals before they attain to a leading place among their brethren.

Even the comparative youngsters amongst them are so over done by the almost unbroken succession of matches, in which their presence is indispensable, that, however good their condition may be, they scarcely come on to the ground in their full freshness and vigor.

If, therefore, the Amateurs would only cultivate steadiness as an addition to their undoubtedly superior activity and enthusiasm, they would prove a much harder nut for the Professionals to crack than, as a rule, they contrive to be.

Profile of Omega

Omega is the ultimate, superhuman fielder. Closest who has come to this mythical ubermansch can be Jonty Rhodes & Collingwood, but the likes of Gibbs, Waugh brothers, Yuvraj, Tamim, Warne are to name of few who as if touched by a jolt of shockwaves shown glimpses of their transcendent ability. Ω is blessed gifts of highly accentuated level of sensory awareness, experiencing ultimate Zazen during fielding blending or being one with the cricket miliue, with high scores in the abstract aptitude tests. Not only Ω posses superior reflex, but he is a master of deception. He works when rest seems to sleep. Like a mule he may seem to tireaway on the field, but behind his veneer of warmask lies a calm demeanor who is aware of each and every from the twitch or facial tics of batsman makes and waits to pounce on the prey at the right moment to like Angel of Death to. Each member of the unit specializes in each fields. Silly point to deep forward square and even bowler has carved a niche inn their own own domain. Ω is adept at the art of camoflauge, versed in ancient yoga and pranyama and has exceptional biofeedback.

Creed of Omega

Omegas live by S.N.A.R.E. principal:
  • Situational awareness: they are always the crescendo of events 24/7. Starting from knowing the date, time of day, time of year, location to the exact pinpoint of their location in situ.
  • Negative, they are master of causing havoc, chaos and catastrophe and have a 'nack for making accidents happen by disorientating opponents decision taking/problem solving manifold. They don't wait for mishaps to happen unlike other fielding units but work on concoction.
  • Anticipating the worst. One shall always miss....one shall always drop a catch by mistake...one shall always fail to cover the fielder at the back...etcetera....
  • Rapid (must never hesitate) as well as precise
  • Efficiency: can find the shortest, most economomical route to dislodge a batsman or concede runs

God's P.O.V: Overview chart

These are the 50 possible positions:

Description of Omega

Fielders assist the bowlers to prevent batsmen from scoring too many runs. There are several types of field positions and the captain of the fielding team decides different combinations of them for tactical reasons. Since there are 11 players on a team, one of whom is the bowler and another the wicket-keeper, at most nine other fielding positions can be used at any given time. The captain may move players between fielding positions at any time except when a bowler is in the act of bowling to a batsman.

Wicket Keeper

The wicketkeeper who stands behind the batsman on strike at the wicket, sets the tone for the fielding side. His role is to stop balls that pass the batsman and attempt to dismiss the batsman in various ways.

First Slip
Most important fielding position in the game. The fielder at First slip, normally stands closest to the wicketkeeper.

Second Slip

The fielder at Second slip stands just to the offside of first slip. The second slip is likely to be used in the first couple of over's of a match or if a team is employing an attacking field in an attempt to finish an innings off.


The Gully fielder covers the area just square of the wicket on the off side but the fielder will tend to vary where they stand according to the pitch and the batsman. Gully is employed in catching the ball after it hits the edge of the bat and deflects a long way, or for misplaced cut shots.

Third Man

This is a boundary position right behind square on the offside. The fielder at Third man has to covers a large area, preventing anything that pierces the slip and gully area.
Third Man haunting syndrome...


A position on the off side and located at 90 degrees to the batsman. The Point fielder's job is to catch the ball from a misplaced cut shot, or to prevent runs from cut shots, square drives, and defensive strokes square on the off side.

Cover Point

This is the fielding position on the off side in front of the wicket.

Hobbes' fielding and the importance of the Cover-Point fielder:

[Jack Hobbes was] perhaps the greatest cover-point ever—quick in anticipation, swift to the ball and unerring in his under-the-shoulder return—he had 15 run-outs on his second tour of Australia in 1912.
No cover-point can ever be considered great unless he has deft, twinkling footwork. As the ball speeds towards him, cover-point must be on the way in to meet it, for a split second thus gained could bring the run-out and, moreover, he should so position his movements into the ball that he is, immediately ready to receive the ball and throw it to the desired end with one action. A champion cover-point must possess an additional sense. He must sense what the batsmen are doing, for his own eyes never leave the ball. He must, too, be a 'fox' yielding a single here and there to snare the batsman into a feeling of safety and, when his chance comes, cover-point must be able to hit the stumps from side-on nine times out of ten. Jack Hobbs had the lot—all the tricks.
[emphasis mine]

Deep Point

Deep point is a defensive position on the off side and the fielder at this position is usually stationed on the boundary.


This is fielding position in front of the wicket and the position designed to prevent runs from cover drives, defensive strokes on the off side.

Extra Cover

This is the fielding position in front of the wicket. A strong off side field would probably have both a cover and an extra cover.


This is the fielding position in the deep outfield near the boundary used when the fielding side wants to keep the runs to the bare minimum.

Silly Mid Off

This is the fielding position on the off side, and the position is almost mid way to the wicket and very close to the batsman.

Mid Off

This is the fielding position on the off side, and the position is almost straight in line with the bat to prevent runs from off drives, and defensive strokes on the off side.

Long Off

A fielding position on the off side and has to cover a large area from the sight screen to the sweeper cover position and near the boundary to prevent runs from off drives or catch long, lofted off drives.

Long On

A fielding position on the leg side of the wicket to prevent runs from on drives or catch long, lofted on drives.

Mid On

A fielding position on the leg side almost straight of the batsman to prevent runs from on drives, and defensive strokes on the on side

Mid Wicket

This is positioned on the leg side and the position is designed generally to either catch the ball from a misplaced pull shot, or to prevent runs from on drives, and defensive strokes on the on side.

Deep Mid Wicket

This is positioned on the leg side near the boundary to prevent boundaries.

Silly Mid On

This is positioned on the leg side forward of the strikers wicket and very close to the batsmen generally use to put pressure on them.

Short Leg

A fielding position to the right of forward square leg and very close to the batsman. This position usually given to the youngest member of the fielding side and employed against players who are especially strong off their hips.

Backward Short Leg

This position is similar to first slip on the leg side and is very often referred to as leg slip.

Square Leg

This position is on the leg side. This is also the position for the leg umpire. Between the wicket and the square boundary, it prevents the batsman from going for pull shots.

Deep / Backward Square Leg

This position can also be monitored by the fielders from the deep mid wicket and deep fine leg regions.

Fine Leg

This is the fielding position on the leg side to the right of the square leg region designed to catch the ball from a misplaced bock or other defensive shot.

Second Sight: Secret Communication of Omega

Baseball type of signs will enable to know and act as one consciousness.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century a mentalism feat titled Second Sight, most probably started by Robert Houdin, was sweeping the theaters. A version of this called Cagliostro's telephone was offered by the renowed mentalist Jospeh Dunninger in his Encyclopedia of Magic. What happens is at the absence of magician a spectator chooses an object and after the performer returns he immediately locates it. Of course, the secret being his confederate was signalling him with feet position as described in the diagram below:

Feet positions correspond to the numbers which was previously attributed to specific objects as below:

Flagrantly plagriaizing baseball signature strategies the bowler sends specific signal to the rest of the team. By tying his shoes, or sneezing (dracula), or wiping his ball on trousers, or taking his sunglasses down he is telegraphic to his own teammates what he is about to bowl

A. Fast
B. Fast-medium
C. Medium-fast
D. Medium

And his feet is telling them the further classification downt he order.

2.Indipper/Off break
3.Inswinger/Leg break
4. Leg cutter/Carrom ball
5. Off cutter/Flipper
6. Outswinger/Googly
7. Reverse/Doosra
8. Slower ball/Chinaman
9. Yorker/Arm ball
0. Beamer/Topspinner

Basic Fielding Drills

These fielding drills are just stepping stone to performing elaborate ruses, deceptions and setting up traps.


4 Corner Ball Drill

For speed, fitness and throwing skills
Place 4 balls in a square with a stump in the middle. Starting in the middle the fielder runs to a corner, picks up and returns the ball to the keeper then runs back to the stumps. Repeat for each ball then rest by putting the balls back. Do three sets.


Don't use a ball, instead pad up and run to the marker and back as if you were running two quickly.
Don't have a keeper, simply shy at the stump.
Chase and Throw Drill
For endurance, throwing and pick up skills
Place three or four balls some distance away from the stumps. The fielder begins facing the stumps. On the call, they turn, sprint, field the ball and return it to the keeper then jog back. Repeat for all the balls then swap with the keeper. Do three sets.


The fielder/keeper begins in a lying down position.
Use more balls.
Have the ball fed out so it is moving.

Ladder Catch and Throw Drills

For running technique, speed, catching and throwing
Using an agility ladder or mini hurdles, the fielder runs from one end to the other focusing on speed and good running technique. That the end of the ladder the fielder takes a catch fed to them,returns it and runs back down the ladder in the opposite direction. Repeat five times. Do three sets.


Try doing backwards running, two footed jumps or sidesteps.
Make the return a shy at the stumps.
Move the feeder to the middle of the ladder instead of the end and complete the catch/return in the middle of the drill.
Add a 10m sprint at the end of the ladder before the catch/return
Add several cones in a curved shape after the ladder to simulate running around the boundary (you can have two ladders and two boundaries to square it off if you like).
Add an extra ladder in line with a feeder in the middle. After completing the first ladder the feeder rolls the ball out away from the ladder the sets off on the second ladder. The first fielder fields the ball and throws it to the feeder who has completed the ladder drill.
Use a heavier ball to catch and return (but counter balance with a tennis ball and normal ball on a 3:2:1 ratio).

Whole team drill

For just about everything!
1. The coach (wk) starts the game by rolling the ball to position 1
2. The fielder at position 1 completes a 1 handed pickup and underarm throw through the cones to the fielder at position 2. Then runs to position 2.
3. Position 2 picks up the ball 2 handed and throws the ball to the stump at position 3. Then runs to position 3.
4. The fielder at position 3 catches the ball and has a shy at the stumps. Then runs to position 4.
5. The fielder at position 4 backs up the shy and returns the ball to the coach. Then runs to position 1.
6. Repeat as many times as possible.

Aiming Relay Drill

For throwing, catching and teamwork
A fielder starts with the ball in hand. On cue they run to the centre marker, place the ball on the ground and run to the back of the queue on the opposite side. As soon as the ball has been placed, a fielder on the opposite side runs in, picks up the ball and returns it to the other side and runs to the back of the queue. Repeat until everyone has run, placed and thrown.


Instead of placing the ball, try rolling it or throwing it.
Instead of returning the ball to the fielder, try shying at the stumps
As pictured, turn it onto a race with two balls and two teams.

Pick Up and Underarm Drill

For close fielding and throwing accuracy
Fielder 1 rolls the ball out to the centre; fielder 2 runs in at the same time, picks up and throws it to fielder 4. Fielder 2 then runs behind fielder 4. Fielder 4 then rolls the ball to the centre for fielder 3 to pick up,throw and run to the back of fielder 1. Continue as long as you like.


Try shying at the stumps instead of underarm throwing.
Add extra balls.

Fielding Coordinator

There needs to be a Fielding Cooridnator in the unit who is versed in all forms of gameplays from the book. Currently FC's role is being handled by the triumvirate of captain, vice-captain and bowler (sometimes with wicket-keeper); however, the skilled FC is a master tactician who pulls all the strings of shadow puppetry and can cause a grand Guignol of machination with danse macabre of the fielders. Specialization, although is contrary to Chardin's philosophy, can only help in ante-ing up the game to holistic level concentrating in the details.

Strategies and Tactics: Fundamentals

The captain places fielders in positions designed to do two things:
Get batsmen out by being in the right places to take catches.
Prevent runs being scored.

Because wickets are at a premium, there will almost always be several fielders placed in positions whose primary purpose is to take catches. This includes fielders in the slips, gully, silly point, silly mid off, silly mid on, short leg, and leg slip. These are attacking fielders.

More dispersed fielding positions in the infield are designed to prevent runs, while several are also in suitable positions to take an occasional catch. Example positions of this type include point, cover, mid off, mid on, midwicket, and square leg.
Positions in the outfield are mostly used solely to prevent runs. These positions include third man, deep point, deep cover, long off, long on, deep midwicket, deep square leg, and fine leg. These are defensive fielders. Sometimes a fielder will be placed in the outfield specifically for a batsman who is known to hit the ball high into the outfield in a certain direction. Long off, long on, and deep midwicket are the most used outfield positions for this purpose. Deep midwicket and deep square leg in particular can be used to attack the batsman if he is known to hook short balls. With fielders in the outfield, the bowler can tempt the batsman with repeated bouncers, challenging him to try to hook the ball clear of the fielders.

Depending on the total configuration of the field, it can be described as either an attacking field (designed to take wickets) or defensive field (designed to prevent runs). The entire field setting also depends on the style of the bowler and what bowling tactics the captain tells his bowlers to perform.
  • A standard attacking field for a fast bowler will include three or four slips, one or two gullies, and perhaps a short leg and/or a silly point. It also generally includes mid off, mid on, and fine leg to cover the bulk of the field. Any remaining fielders will likely be used at cover, point, midwicket, or square leg, depending on the batsman and bowling tactics.
  • A defensive field for a fast bowler will have one or two slips, then a mostly full ring of infielders: gully, point, cover, mid off, mid on, midwicket, square leg. A fine leg and perhaps a third man cover the boundary behind the batsman, while outfielders forward of the batsman will vary depending on the batsman's predilection for certain directions.
  • An attacking field for a spin bowler will have a close slip, gully, and two or more other close catchers: silly point, silly mid off, silly mid on, short leg, perhaps a leg slip. The remainder of the fielders form an infield ring, and the outfield will usually have a fine leg, plus perhaps a deep midwicket or long off for attempted lofted shots.
  • A defensive field for a spin bowler will simply have an infield ring, and several fielders in the outfield patrolling the boundary.

Refinements occur if, for example, the captain decides to attack a batsman by instructing the bowlers to concentrate on bowling outside the off stump, to entice the batsman to attempt to drive the ball, and hopefully get an edge to the slips. In such a case, it is difficult for the batsman to turn the ball to the leg side, so fewer leg side fielders are needed. This tactic often results in seven fielders on the off side and only two on the leg side (a 7-2 field).

Alternatively, the captain may decide to instruct the bowlers to concentrate on bowling into the batsman's legs, in an attempt to get him out bowled, LBW, or lofting a catch to the leg side field. This naturally requires more fielders on the leg side.

Diet and Lifestyle of Omega

Sydney, Dec 31

After the crushing defeat in Melbourne, Indian cricketers have been put under a strict diet regime and will have to do without several of their favourite mouth-watering delicacies.

Trainer Gregory Allen King and physio John Gloster have asked players to avoid ice-cream and chocolate as well as fried and spicy stuff.

According to a two-page diet chart titled ' Daily Eating Guidelines for Players', the squad has also been asked to avoid tea and coffee and cut back on sugar consumption.
The two page advisory states: "On match days, be careful of over consumption as snacks can be larger when you have been active and smaller when just watching the game."

To avoid laziness, the advisory says "The players should not have dinner later than 9 pm." The chart talks in detail about what to eat and avoid on match and non-match days. It wants players to lay their hands off biryani, red meat, traditional Indian sweets, butter mayonnaise on sandwiches, anything deep fried, dishes with visible fat/oil, creamy sauces and sodas, unless diet, but 'water is still better.'

However, Gloster and King have offered players the liberty to have "one free day per week where you can eat whatever you want".

India looked extremely lethargic in the field and running between the wickets in the first Test at the MCG which they lost by 337 runs.

Players were prone to let balls go between their legs and while batting, many a times a certain brace was reduced to a single.

Omegas lifestyle is pretty much same off the field. They hone their skills further by constantly reminding themselves their position in situ. Whether you are juggling your keys to your car, or doing a simple bartending drills with your Heinz ketchup you are simply disguising your fielding abilities.

Ruses and Subterfuge
  • Hollow Bait 'n Bloc

    This is the basic matrix of fielding coordination. If the batsman hits the ball to the short-cover region, cover point runs and kicks it to the approachante "slack variable" at square-leg region who catches it and flicks it to wicket-keeper for a runout. It's a basic manipulation which involves the relay-type of (catch and pass) & throw modularization or compartmentization technique. If done correctly the further haphazard motion will make this simple (borderlining common sense) routine to the buzzing of bees.
  • Hollow Bait 'n Bloc en passe

    Square leg cuts off the batsman as he drives for the ball hit at short cover, while coverpoint does the actual throw causing the run-out.
  • Bauler Dotara: Fisherman's Net

    Batsman hits int he deep midoff region. Mid-on bisects mid-off perpendicular as the latter heads straight for the ball. Then the compartmentalization of relay throw who is midway between the fielder as well as short-midwicket+cover junta converges to the the bowler's end. Now we have cut down efficiently the burden of midoff running all the way solo to deep midoff unaided and having to throw it at just the bowler.
  • German Maneuver

    Reserved for forum member's exercise of creativity...
  • Ghostly Umbrella Manifold

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  • 13th Ronin's Revenge

    In this constellation variation silly-point and cover-point deliberately acts as "slack variables" as the man from gully area makes a dive straight to short-cover deus ex machina throws it the batsman's end who is caught unprepared and left stranded in the middle as he is lured in to run for it.
  • As the death tolls...

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  • operation.roadkill();

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  • Godwin's Gambit

    Finally, this is a gambit seldom performed and ill-advised until extraordinary circumstances require it. The fielder deliberately drops the lofted catch as he eyes two batsman at middle of the crease. Now if he took the catch he has to throw at the runner's end for run-out but he is at the batsman's end so he merely shrugs it off by dropping it and going for the double kill.

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Last edited by Zeeshan; November 7, 2010 at 02:14 AM..
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Old October 14, 2009, 08:52 PM
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Consider it as a "living constituion." Your feedback or critique and any other suggestions or additions are welcome.

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Old October 14, 2009, 09:05 PM
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Wow! Gopal da, this is goood! Good stuff! That post took out the whole page!
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Old October 14, 2009, 09:30 PM
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Excellent thread. But very few will read the whole thing. I have started it. I am in the middle. Will try to finish up later. This thread is up there with Arnab's ones.
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Old October 14, 2009, 10:35 PM
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Is this a post-doc course?

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Old October 15, 2009, 12:18 AM
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ei ta ki dada ?

apnar thesis paper ?
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Old October 15, 2009, 12:31 AM
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Accha bhai, is this the new age center called the Omega Center? I go there in New York very often and communicate with various people!
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Old October 15, 2009, 01:10 AM
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I like that green circle thing....they are showing 50 possible positions!!
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Old October 15, 2009, 01:49 AM
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Thanks but it's just nothing more than a compilation scoured from the internet doused with my personal philosophy. My main intention behind it was to spawn a primordial mini playbook for the various fielding positions. Just like the real noosphere (Chardin in many ways may have predicted something similar to the Internet), we can only improve this and fine tune it from audience participation en masse. Hence & (due to lack of power of my imagination), I have left the ruses and subterfuges for audience exercise.

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Old October 15, 2009, 09:47 AM
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Basic Fielding Drills
I remember watching the South African team go through a rather ancient yet effective drill before the start of a Champions trophy game at the BNS in Dhaka about a decade ago. Line up, run in fast towards a highly tensile net, throw the ball at it with all your might, run away and let the guy behind you catch it, running in as well.

I had seen local clubs and school teams go through the same drill, but they usually had a coaching staff at the other end as opposed to a net, which meant the power in the rebound wasn't as great and the direction predictable thanks to the movements of the coordinator.

I'm sure many clubs around the world use this technique to enhance agility and reflex.
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Old October 15, 2009, 09:59 AM
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Not much of a subterfuge from a fielding POV (but rather more from a bowling one), but I've always been a big fan of Douglas Jardine's bodyline setup. Half circle on the leg side, pure genius. If constantly bowling at an off stump line with a packed slip cordon is acceptable, who is to say the converse isn't?

Batsmen these days are equipped well enough to be able to counter almost anything that is hurled at them. If Bradman could average a 50 something (albeit disastrous by his standards) by making room and cutting through the vacant off side, other lowly beings should be able to invent their own measures against leg side bowling with months of practice.

Great thread, btw.
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Old October 15, 2009, 06:13 PM
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Thanks for opening my eyes to the complex world of fielding and its strategies. All this time I thought only complex numbers and their imaginary parts were the most difficult concepts to comprehend and visualize. Now I understand why our fielding performances have been so inconsistent over the years and can almost forgive the players for not being able to understand let alone execute the strategies employed by coaches and team management :P
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Old October 15, 2009, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Nocturnal
I like that green circle thing....they are showing 50 possible positions!!
LOL. You have a dirty mind my friend. LOL
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Old October 16, 2009, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by AsifTheManRahman
Not much of a subterfuge from a fielding POV (but rather more from a bowling one), but I've always been a big fan of Douglas Jardine's bodyline setup. Half circle on the leg side, pure genius. If constantly bowling at an off stump line with a packed slip cordon is acceptable, who is to say the converse isn't?
Because penchant for wides on the leg side is great.

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Old October 16, 2009, 02:30 PM
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Then penalize bowlers for bowling outside the leg stump, not on it.
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Old October 16, 2009, 03:42 PM
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Accha bhais, is this related to children needing omega mineral like thing? Like from fish oil? Is this a vitamin? Very complex stuff and very interesting subject and topic. I like it@!
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Old October 16, 2009, 03:57 PM
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Bodyline or "leg theory":


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Old June 7, 2013, 05:27 PM
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This is what I had in mind which I found today:


Can cricket adopt notations for fielding plays? Hmmph.

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