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Old December 7, 2010, 03:38 PM
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Mash speaks out to his critics:

অনেক কিছুই দেখলাম

পরশু ভালো বোলিং করার পর অনেকে ফোন দিয়ে বলেছেন, অনেক দিন পর নাকি আমার ভালো বোলিং দেখেছে! শুনে খারাপই লাগছিল। আমি খেললাম কই? গত ১৭-১৮ মাসে ম্যাচই তো খেললাম ১২ কি ১৩টা!
জিম্বাবুয়ের বিপক্ষে প্রথম দুই ম্যাচে ভালো বল করতে না পারলেও আমি দুশ্চিন্তা করিনি। জানতাম, একটা ভালো স্পেলেই আবার ফিরে পাব নিজেকে। তৃতীয় ম্যাচেও শুরুতে খুব স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য বোধ করছিলাম না, গুঁড়ি গুঁড়ি বৃষ্টি হওয়াতে পা পিছলেও যাচ্ছিল দু-একবার। চার ওভার করার পর মনে হচ্ছিল, ছন্দটা ফিরে আসছে। আগের দুই ম্যাচে সুইং নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে পারছিলাম না। এ ম্যাচে তা করতে পারার পরই বুঝতে পারছিলাম বোলিং ভালো হবে। তার পরও যেটা হয়েছে, লোকের চোখে ভালো হলেও আমি জানি, আমি আমার সামর্থ্যের মাত্র ৬০-৭০ ভাগ করতে পেরেছি। আমার পক্ষে এর চেয়ে ভালো বল করা সম্ভব। তবে সে জন্য আরও কয়েকটা ম্যাচ খেলতে হবে। নিজেকে নিয়ে তাই আপাতত ভাবছি না, ভাবছি ওই মানুষগুলোকে নিয়ে। সারাক্ষণ ক্রিকেট-ক্রিকেট করেও তারা যেন ক্রিকেট থেকে অনেক দূরে!
প্রথম দুই ম্যাচে মাত্র ৯ ওভার বোলিং করেছি। তা দেখেই সবাই এমনভাবে কথা বলছিল, যেন নয়-দশ বছর ধরে খেলে আমি আজ পর্যন্ত কিছুই করতে পারিনি। আমার ক্যারিয়ার নিয়েও প্রশ্ন তুলে দিয়েছিল অনেকে। আমি নাকি অনেক দিন পর ফিরেছি! অনেক দিন তো নয়, মাত্র দুই মাস! ইনজুরি থেকে ফিরে পৃথিবীর সব বোলারকেই সংগ্রাম করতে হয়। আমার ভেতরে তাই কোনো টেনশন ছিল না। কিন্তু সবাই যে রকম আচরণ করছিল, সেটাই খারাপ লেগেছে।
আমি বলে কথা নয়, যেকোনো খেলোয়াড়েরই খারাপ সময়ে পিঠে একটা উৎসাহের হাত প্রয়োজন হয়। আশরাফুলের কথাই ধরুন। ভালো খেললে সবাই তাকে নিয়ে নাচে, খারাপ খেললে একেবারে যা-তা বলতে শুরু করে। এগুলো ঠিক নয়। আজ যারা সেরা ফর্মে আছে, তাদেরও একদিন এমন হতে পারে। বাজে সময় টেন্ডুলকারেরও আসে, সব ক্রিকেটারকেই এই অভিজ্ঞতার মধ্য দিয়ে যেতে হয়। তার মানে এই নয়, ওই ক্রিকেটারটি খেলতে পারে না।
আকরাম ভাইয়ের আমলে আকরাম ভাই সুপারস্টার ছিলেন, একসময় আশরাফুল সুপারস্টার ছিল, আজ তামিম-সাকিবের আমলে তামিম-সাকিব সুপারস্টার। আবার কাল দেখবেন আরেকজন সুপারস্টার হয়ে গেছে। ক্রিকেট এমনই। যারা ক্রিকেট বোঝে না, তারা যা ইচ্ছা বলতে পারে। কিন্তু যারা ক্রিকেট বোঝে বলে দাবি করে, তারাও যখন অক্রিকেটীয় কথাবার্তা বলে, তখন তা মেনে নেওয়া কঠিন। যেমন আমাকে এসে কেউ কেউ বলেছেন, ‘কী বোলিং করছ এসব!’ ক্রিকেট বুঝলে তো বরং বলা উচিত ছিল, ‘তোমার লেংথ ঠিক আছে, কিন্তু লাইনে একটু সমস্যা হচ্ছে।’ ক্রিকেট বুঝলে তো ইনজুরি কী জিনিস, সেটাও জানার কথা।
আমার সৌভাগ্য, প্রথম দুই ম্যাচের বোলিং দেখে বাইরের মানুষ অস্থির হয়ে পড়লেও বাংলাদেশ দল আমার পাশে ছিল। দল থেকে দারুণ সমর্থন পেয়েছি। সাকিব তো সব সময়ই পাশে ছিল। তামিমের কথা আলাদা করে বলতে হয়। তৃতীয় ম্যাচে বোলিংয়ের সময় পাশে এসে অনেক কথা বলেছে। আমি বুঝতে পারছিলাম, ওর কথাগুলোতে আমার উপকার হচ্ছে। আর সাকিব বারবার বলছিল, ‘সব ঠিক আছে। শুধু রান দিয়েন না।’ আমিও চেষ্টা করছিলাম সেটাই। জানি, আমার বাড়ির লোকজন থেকে শুরু করে আমাকে যারা পছন্দ করে, সবাই আশা করছিল আমি যেন একটা উইকেট পাই। কিন্তু আমি উইকেটের কথা চিন্তা করছিলাম না। আমি ভাবছিলাম কীভাবে রান না দেওয়া যায়। উইকেটের জন্য বল করলে রান দিয়ে দেওয়ার ভয় থাকে। শেষ পর্যন্ত উইকেটও একটা পেয়েছি। সেই মুহূর্তটা আসলেই খুব আনন্দের ছিল। ওয়ানডে রান আটকানোর খেলা, কিন্তু একজন বোলারের চরম আনন্দ তো উইকেট পাওয়াতেই।

Source: http://www.prothom-alo.com/detail/da...08/news/114252

Last edited by ammark; December 7, 2010 at 04:24 PM.. Reason: mod.misc: bangla tags
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Old December 7, 2010, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by riankhan
Mash speaks out to his critics:

তার পরও যেটা হয়েছে, লোকের চোখে ভালো হলেও আমি জানি, আমি আমার সামর্থ্যের মাত্র ৬০-৭০ ভাগ করতে পেরেছি। আমার পক্ষে এর চেয়ে ভালো বল করা সম্ভব। তবে সে জন্য আরও কয়েকটা ম্যাচ খেলতে হবে।

The Best is yet to come!!!

Last edited by roman; December 7, 2010 at 04:46 PM.. Reason: mod.quote: bangla tags
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Old December 7, 2010, 04:56 PM
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আমি বলে কথা নয়, যেকোনো খেলোয়াড়েরই খারাপ সময়ে পিঠে একটা উৎসাহের হাত প্রয়োজন হয়। আশরাফুলের কথাই ধরুন। ভালো খেললে সবাই তাকে নিয়ে নাচে, খারাপ খেললে একেবারে যা-তা বলতে শুরু করে। এগুলো ঠিক নয়। আজ যারা সেরা ফর্মে আছে, তাদেরও একদিন এমন হতে পারে। বাজে সময় টেন্ডুলকারেরও আসে, সব ক্রিকেটারকেই এই অভিজ্ঞতার মধ্য দিয়ে যেতে হয়। তার মানে এই নয়, ওই ক্রিকেটারটি খেলতে পারে না।
So, some empathy there !!
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Old December 7, 2010, 05:53 PM
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Implicit in Mash's statement is the notion that even if a good player is out of form, we should let him be part of the national eleven to play himself back in. I am afraid I'm inclined to disagree -- a player can play himself back into form in the nets and FC matches. The national team is too important a venue to use as a vehicle for recuperation/convalescence.

Yes, Mash seems to be on the mend; though I'll wait to see how he performs in the next few matches before passing judgment. And yes, I'm quite aware that part of this is a move by the management/coaching staff to try to ensure that he'll spearhead our pace attack in the WC. But, to take someone else from Mash's example, what about Ash? How many chances should he have been given? Where and when do we draw the line? And is it fair to promising young players waiting in the wings to use (yes, once good) warhorses who currently aren't performing?

On average, how many chances will you give a currently non-performing player before you rotate him out of the playing eleven?
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Old December 7, 2010, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by shaad
Implicit in Mash's statement is the notion that even if a good player is out of form, we should let him be part of the national eleven to play himself back in. I am afraid I'm inclined to disagree -- a player can play himself back into form in the nets and FC matches. The national team is too important a venue to use as a vehicle for recuperation/convalescence.

Yes, Mash seems to be on the mend; though I'll wait to see how he performs in the next few matches before passing judgment. And yes, I'm quite aware that part of this is a move by the management/coaching staff to try to ensure that he'll spearhead our pace attack in the WC. But, to take someone else from Mash's example, what about Ash? How many chances should he have been given? Where and when do we draw the line? And is it fair to promising young players waiting in the wings to use (yes, once good) warhorses who currently aren't performing?

On average, how many chances will you give a currently non-performing player before you rotate him out of the playing eleven?
Fully agree.

We need to get out of this 'owed a place' mentality. Past performances and merits should have an expiration period.

Nobody, including Shakib should be immune to that. Granted he will get a longer period to based on current accomplishments than others.

Here is one example, a player must have 3 significant contributions in 6 attempts or else its time to make room for someone else. A significant contribution will be determined based on match situation. It can be a quick fire PP for a batsman just as well as a century or it could be one tight death over by a bowler at a crucial moment. No reward for selfish performances that are stat boosters with no benefit to the team.

Something like this will let each player know how long they have and that simply one 'Eid' can not secure a spot ongoing. For strong performers like Shakib and Tamim that 6 attempts could be increased to 8 or 10.

Everyone would love to see the pre-surgery Mash of old back in business but its unfair to Rubel to have to sit out after a solid performance against NZ to let Mash get 'match practice'. We could've secured the series 3-0 and then given Mash the last two matches if that is what was needed.
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Old December 7, 2010, 06:36 PM
napoleonIV napoleonIV is offline
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With all due respect for Mashrafee, I must say that I found his writing to be unprofessional and immature. A seasoned campaigner should not be so "obhimani". No wonder this culture gives rise to incidents like Rokibul's dramatic resignation.
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Old December 7, 2010, 06:56 PM
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This is the very reason I want to see more A/Academy team international team matches throughout the year. It will help the "out of form" "recovering" "up and coming" players to get their groove back/restore/proven at the international stage. Clearly Mash bowled 6 overs in a row in the 1st match in order to justify his inclusion in the team. Shakib, being a junior player albeit a captain could not say much as Mash went ahead and leaked 36 runs...anyway it happens and I am sure Mash was trying his best to do well. I dont blame him, rather the selectors for not allowing him enough time for sufficient match practice..

At the INT level, every match counts, specially now for a team like BD. As we saw how crazy the IND/ZIM/ENG fans went when BD lost to ZIM. Some people cant stand the fact that BD has a test status. I am sure ICC is also watching. Even the top teams dont allow experiments with struggling players at the int matches, unless he is a megastar, and that is also for a few matches only...
Golf is good, no umpire needed!

Last edited by reyme; December 7, 2010 at 07:03 PM..
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Old December 7, 2010, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by shaad
Implicit in Mash's statement is the notion that even if a good player is out of form, we should let him be part of the national eleven to play himself back in. I am afraid I'm inclined to disagree -- a player can play himself back into form in the nets and FC matches. The national team is too important a venue to use as a vehicle for recuperation/convalescence.

On average, how many chances will you give a currently non-performing player before you rotate him out of the playing eleven?
i dont think any player can get back in form in the nets...match and nets are whole different thing..But 1st class matches yah then its all right..i personally believed mash should have tried to get his form back in the DPL

on ur second note..we dont have a choice on mash as we have on ash...He is by far our best 1st bowler with the new ball..even with rubel and sofi doing well..we need mash..

Last edited by Night_wolf; December 7, 2010 at 09:53 PM..
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Old December 7, 2010, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by reyme
This is the very reason I want to see more A/Academy team international team matches throughout the year. It will help the "out of form" "recovering" "up and coming" players to get their groove back/restore/proven at the international stage. Clearly Mash bowled 6 overs in a row in the 1st match in order to justify his inclusion in the team. Shakib, being a junior player albeit a captain could not say much as Mash went ahead and leaked 36 runs...anyway it happens and I am sure Mash was trying his best to do well. I dont blame him, rather the selectors for not allowing him enough time for sufficient match practice..

At the INT level, every match counts, specially now for a team like BD. As we saw how crazy the IND/ZIM/ENG fans went when BD lost to ZIM. Some people cant stand the fact that BD has a test status. I am sure ICC is also watching. Even the top teams dont allow experiments with struggling players at the int matches, unless he is a megastar, and that is also for a few matches only...
valiant post..totally agree with u
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Old December 7, 2010, 09:54 PM
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What #'s 581, 582 and 583 said. So much talk just after bowling well in one game? Seriously? Consistency is the key and if he can continue with this, he can talk all he wants. But until then, what a sixteen-year-old-barbie-doll.

Not like he was the MoM or anything.
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Old December 7, 2010, 10:37 PM
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i feel very sad to see such posts from experience posters of BC. Did Mash get his chance to show his "consistency"? Do we have enough local quality cricket where he can play to gain back his form? If he doesn't try with Zimbabwe, then what other choices does he has?
World cup is in the corner. i'm sure you are totally aware, we need a good player with strong temperament otherwise they can't take the pressure of World cup game.
Rubel or shafi are doing great, but i'm not too sure how they can take the pressure of the big game.

Mash is a proven performer and the poor guy has gone under knife so many time and yet, he manage to come back.
We still don't have a quick bowler who is 50% of what mash is. Perhaps there are bowlers who are faster or aggressive than Mash but the temperament that he has earned in last many years, nobody has got that.

He deserves some respect. i can clearly see he has lost a lot of weight. He is trying his best and he will come back.

please bear with him. thank you.
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Old December 7, 2010, 10:46 PM
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^bhai with respect to u and towards mash...he scrambles in pressure situations..he just cant handel match pressure..there are lots of examples we have seen in the past...Sofiul islam handles pressure better than mash

on giving chance to mash i agree but still Zim isn't a country mile better then our DPL teams..if u give zim 9/10 then Dpl teams like abahoni mohamedan score 7.5/10..so if mash played in DPL he would have gotten enough match practice to get back in form...Zim series where all the matches are int matches..we can not let anybody come and find his rhythm here coz BD lost so many int matches so all the matches where we can win counts..
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Old December 7, 2010, 10:51 PM
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I don't understand how unfit mashrafee deserves to play international cricket. Remember the time when he first made his comeback... he was tremendously out of shape. He was dropped during the following game and then he left the team hotel after a "fight". No disciplinary action was taken!

I am a firm believer of "rules should be same whoever you are". Professionalism is not our strongest suit of our board.

We all love mash for his fighting spirit and service to our team, but he should not be getting preferential treatment (which he clearly did at the beginning of the series). During the world cup our best eleven should play, so i really hope mash keeps on improving. And, Rubel definitely deserves some match practice as well.
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Last edited by cricket_pagol; December 7, 2010 at 10:58 PM..
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Old December 7, 2010, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Night_wolf
^bhai with respect to u and towards mash...he scrambles in pressure situations..he just cant handel match pressure..there are lots of examples we have seen in the past...Sofiul islam handles pressure better than mash

on giving chance to mash i agree but still Zim isn't a country mile better then our DPL teams..if u give zim 9/10 then Dpl teams like abahoni mohamedan score 7.5/10..so if mash played in DPL he would have gotten enough match practice to get back in form...Zim series where all the matches are int matches..we can not let anybody come and find his rhythm here coz BD lost so many int matches so all the matches where we can win counts..
agreed most of your points. But still, Mash needs more chances to gain back his confident. Every country follows that, you see Yuvruj still playing for India. Ricky still the captain of Australia. Petersen still got a chance to play for England after terrible few years of ugly show. It takes one game for these players to come back, my friend.

I don't follow much of DPL games but are we having DPL games at the moment? He needs lots of match practice before the world cup.
Yes every Int match counts but i guess WC matches counts more, isn't it?
It will be a disaster going to WC without Mash, that's for sure.

i'm a great fan of rubel and shafi, but i doubt their ability in front of class batsman like Sehwag or Tendulkar. Mash already has the experience how to deal with these batsmen and number of times he has taken their wickets.
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Old December 7, 2010, 10:59 PM
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It's great that he's struggling against injuries and yet battling them to keep playing. No problems with that. Yes, he was a great asset to our cricket (probably still is) and was at his peak in the 06/07 season, when good things happened.

However, the article above was as untimely as it gets. If he's not a 100% fit he shouldn't play. If he hasn't had time to show his consistency, then why not wait another ten games before a public rebuttal? Makes him look silly and easily satisfied.
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Old December 7, 2010, 11:03 PM
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I dont like the idea of people finding their form playing international matches. A team like ours shouldn't have the luxury of playing with 10.5 men on the field no matter who the opposition is...
We lost the first game by only 8 runs...so who knows what would have happened had Rubel played?..he might have picked wickets and might have given 9 runs less

Unless u r Wasim Akram or Glen Macgrath... no one should walk into an International match after two months long injury without having sufficient overs under their belt. International matches are very important.. We had Rubel who was the man of the match in the last game of the series... and yet we played Mashrafi who was clearly rusty in the first 2 games... It didn't matter much because the opposition was zimbabwe...but had it been a strong side... his awful spells would have made the difference between winning or losing...
Management should have played Mash in the BCB XI game and picked him based on his current form...not reputation...
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Old December 7, 2010, 11:27 PM
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its no fun picking on Mash. Lets pick on Ash again...
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Old December 8, 2010, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by roman
its no fun picking on Mash. Lets pick on Ash again...
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Old December 8, 2010, 06:20 AM
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"সব ঠিক আছে। শুধু রান দিয়েন না।"

Shakib has spoken my mind. When a bowler is low in confidence, the first thing he has to do is being economical.
try your best.
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Old December 8, 2010, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by roman
its no fun picking on Mash. Lets pick on Ash again...
with this post i agree....
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Old April 5, 2011, 02:32 PM
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Default The Official Mashrafee Mortaza Thread

"A bowler like Mashrafee comes only once each hundred years" said Athar Ali Khan. From the outset it might seem to be an odd or outlandish claim. But with close inspections and keeping BD cricket context in mind this doesn't seem to be an iota of exaggeration to me. Mashrafee, certainly, is one of the most talented pacers of his time. Specially, if the sub-continental pacers are discussed. I'm not talking about Vaas or Akhtar here as I don't see them as his peer. It is quite unfortunate that serious injuries and, perhaps, poor self-discipline has so far plagued his career and stunted his success or the high potential he promised. Nevertheless, this brave Tiger deserves a thread of his own and it has been long over-due.
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Old April 5, 2011, 03:20 PM
Habib 420 Habib 420 is offline
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I am the First, And A big Fan Of Mashrafe Bin Mortaza, Good Luck to Him and the Team!!!
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Old April 5, 2011, 03:31 PM
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Mashrafe more or less like Abdur Razzak from PAK or Nehra/Munaf from IND ?
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Old April 5, 2011, 03:42 PM
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I am surprised to know that there were no Official Mash thread..He deserves it more than anyone
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Old April 5, 2011, 03:54 PM
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খেলবেন না মাশরাফি?

নিয়তি, নাকি অদৃষ্টের অবিচার? ফিজিও ‘আনফিট’ বলে দেওয়ায় বিশ্বকাপের দলে ছিলেন না। মাঝখানে চলে গেছে প্রায় দুই মাস। এখন যখন অস্ট্রেলিয়া সিরিজের দলে সুযোগ পেলেন, এবার নিজেকে নিজেরই মনে হচ্ছে ‘আনফিট’! অস্ট্রেলিয়া সিরিজের দল থেকে তাই সরে দাঁড়ানোর চিন্তা করছেন মাশরাফি বিন মুর্তজা। শুধু এই সিরিজই নয়। শিগগিরই হাঁটুতে অস্ত্রোপচার করাবেন বলে ২০১১ সালটাই বোধহয় হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে তাঁর ক্যারিয়ার থেকে।

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