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Old June 3, 2004, 12:58 AM
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Rubu Rubu is offline
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did u guys imagine how far danguli's elite feeling will take him? now, he's feeling that not all test playing nations are elite enough for him to play. well, another capatain of this thinking is ponting. because none of the other team are thinking like that, ganguli-ponting will thank that those team are not elite enough for them. well, they will start to play against each other only.

u think thats the end of the story and they will be happy that they are playing elite cricket? u are wrong.

pretty soon danguli and ponting will feel that not all players in the team are elite enough for cricket since they are not getting 50's, or 5fors in each innings. so, they will think that cricket is not a game of 11 players, only those who are elite can play cricket. 8, 6, 3... the number of player who they think are elite will soon be the least, namely danguli and ponting. they will keep playing against each other in the ultimate form of elite cricket. the rest of the world? they will play the non-elite cricket as of now, and will forget these two very soon.

[Edited on 3-6-2004 by AgentSmith]
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