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Old July 8, 2019, 08:08 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: June 18, 2010
Location: NYC
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This thread all of a sudden feels funny. There wasn't a single second where I even felt remotely unsafe. In fact sometime i left my cell phones, bags with passport, wallet in it unattended while getting food.

people were super nice.

Only time few ppl were not extra nice are the foreign immigrants working there and they are on the job. But i attributed that to their unhappy jobs or just doing a subpar job. It was mostly in transport - once during interstate transit i asked for clarification - the guy looked at me and just started mumbling. It happened after I had to get off my original train due to technical problem and every passenger was confused as hell. There was another train going to that destination from a different platform. I saw the sign, ran over while the door is about to close and I asked the guy standing there if the train was going to my destination.. he says No its going to "the end destination" but I asked for clarification and asked are you sure as it clearly stated it was going via my stop. The door closed and the guy couldn't care less. And i waited another 30 mins. I still think that guy didn't know and that train did go via my stop.

same thing happened with a bus driver when i told him to call out when the stop that I am going to arrived, he is like pay attention to the sign. usually in NYC when u request that to the bus driver, they try to be accommodating. If i knew everything why the f am i asking you. And they are getting paid for this.
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