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Old December 14, 2012, 02:27 PM
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betaar betaar is offline
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Originally Posted by Ian Pont
Links all sorted with specific buttons to the country donation
just made my first small contribution. Can you confirm it was received or is that not possible? Once the project is up and running I would be willing to make more........

Few more questions come to mind.

- What is the minimum $$ amount you need to go ahead with the project and what happens to the donations if you do not collect enough?

- Are you planning on running this camp during your BPL stint or different visit all together? If Dhaka Gladiators don't object and you have time, it may be financially viable to run it during your visit in Dhaka so you can save on travel and accommodation and use that fund solely for the campaign.

I will let you know if I come up with more question. Thanks and good luck with your initiative.
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