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Old June 13, 2019, 02:41 PM
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Miraz Miraz is offline
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Join Date: February 27, 2006
Location: London, United Kingdom
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London is one of the safest cities in the world. I have lived in different parts of London including South London. Never experienced a single racist incident.

Londoners are a bit introvert and won’t be talking to you at Public transport like buses or tubes. However, English people at spirting events particularly cricket and rugby are very friendly and love to talk about different aspects of the game.

You won’t be ever chased with a knife unless you go alone in some areas at night as London is very quiet at night at some areas. Things get very quiet in suburban areas just after 7 PM.

You might see 1-2 homeless people asking for money at stations, but they are never aggressive. Typically polite British ways to ask for money ie loose change in their words.

It’s a big city and there are touts and opportunists , and some east European pick pockets. However. You won’t find them at cricket venues. They mostly operate at busy central London station.

You can ask anything to a Police. They are the friendliest bunch. Never heard or seen fake police in my 15 years in London.
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