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Old July 6, 2006, 08:58 AM
thebest thebest is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: February 21, 2005
Location: in the blue planet
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I am with chinaman, mhferdous and frost bhai. Why so much fuss about Ribery, Trousier being muslim? Why not Charles vincent (Mridul's sig) or other little guys.
On the issues of minority complex. Did anyone saw jews bragging about Einstein and Madomna (they are minority all over the world except Israel). I have not heard any hindu's feeling proud as one of the Beatles /Rolling Stone ( I forgot who) is a hindu.
I feel we the muslims are facing serious identity crisis. That's why we are spending so much time and coloumn space claiming Mr X and Mr Y is muslim while convenienly forgetting muslims may have be the largest number of illitarate or semi-litarate. Why not talk about that?
Twenty20 is not a gentleman's game. It's like a one-night stand and not a marriage. It is a street format and the goonda doesn't know what is a late cut or a cover drive