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Old August 13, 2012, 09:33 AM
Dilscoop Dilscoop is offline
Cricket Guru
Commissioner, MLC
Join Date: March 22, 2010
Posts: 13,532


While we wait for all the rosters to get finalized here is what you managers should do. Don't worry, it's not as tough as the drafts. I need you all to fancyfy your rosters. Here is how: Team jersey [image]JERSEY[ /image], followed by player list (I don't care how you order them, Batmen, ALR, wk, Bowlers. By names, idc). Put their national flag behind their name. Here are all the icons you'll need. Then at the end of the list player list I need you to put all your resignation infos.

Here is a quick example:

Calgary Flames Miscasts

Shahriar Nafees
Salman Butt
Dot Dot

Owner: Blah
Manager: Blah
Coaches: Blah, blah
Homepage (link your thread)

Then I'll link that post with your team's logo on the front page so people can find the teams easily. So make it good.
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