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Old September 10, 2018, 06:11 AM
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We been talking about Trump in "What's in your mind?" so to carry that convo here and to move it back right in here is another part.

Let's take a real life example. Recently Trump cut foreign aids to Pakistan. Let us take two scenarios and finally we will examine the third one - that of mine- lol.

1. I am a staunch Democrat. I hate Trump. Can't stand him. Hate the fact Killary lost. So salty AF. Hate the whole right side. Now my logical continuation I also hate EVERYTHING that Trump says and spews as well as MSM "fake media" says and spews.

Now since Trump cut aid to Pakistan by definition it is 'bad'. Trump is bad. So anything he does must be bad. And Pakistan is good. Since Pakistanis comprise of 'weak, pity, poor-little-me,woe-is-I, mainstream Muslims and lovable cubbys like Kumail Nanjianai, as a female, white woman in her 45s with dyed blue hair to show my equally staunch support for LGBT community it is my duty and honor to stand up for the oppressed, the minorities and the persecuted ones.

Now let us take a sane, rational and level headed response from a hypothetical person from the right with military background.

2. Uh-oh. This s... is not good. The Pakistanis will probably abuse that aid instead of education, social reform or other problems. Wink, wink. WHO KNEW! Surprise... So its good that not only Pakistanis will be cut off from funding terrorists, I hear this is new psychopath called Abu Al Hamadi, and our SEAL Team gotta do something about that butcher who just chopped off his nephew's penis with a dau.

And finally my own bias.

Since I am trying to be more cognizant of our dark past history and DO appreciate the karmic/cosmic justice of Pakistan being b***slapped by US, what the hell do I do?

I just smile and drink my sake.

I mean the problem with Democrats is that they sweep "US" all in broad, generalized judgmental stroke and swath and think by being the white knight, white saint HERO they will somehow save us from the 'evil doers'.

This is the SAME problem they accuse the right of. Could they be any less hypocritical?

OTOH, not only a moderately right-wing military dude will see the problem for what it is, since his stint at Iraq where he had to study Islam and Arab culture in crash course he LEARNED about different sects and factions (Sahabis, Falafels and Wahabis - I never scored well in the Crash Course, but you get the gist) and LEARNED that due to religious differences of the script and sect, people are cutthroats with feet on each other's.

Our Democrat friend meanwhile is still continuing to wield her SJW sword thinking we are somehow sidelining 'poor ol Pakistanis'.

As for myself, I am happy. I am happy, happy, happy that due to my BIAS of being Bangladeshi born as well as the fact I see the bullshit for what it really is - that is EXTREMISTS do inhabit that region and will do anything to blow us up - that maybe, maybe cutting their ties off is NOT such a bad idea?

Again from my non-doing inaction of wu wei. Let Karma f--- them up.


Same s--- is going here.

Move to shutter main Palestinian gov't office in U.S. capital comes days after U.S. announces $25M cut to medical funding.

People are throwing a hissy fit without even studying the full context. I just had Palestinian fast food the other day and the people were EXTREMELY friendly and Americanized. Point being when Trump does 'his thing' it is not a full on attack against any religion or race rather isolated, tactical concentrated efforts to get those scumbags out.

Americans know NOTHING of foreign policies so they just BLINDLY follow what MSM tells them willy-nilly.

"Let me put help you, or else you drown." Said the monkey putting the fish on tree. (A favorite Alan Watts quote of mine who wants to drive home the point "All do-gooders are trouble makers".)

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Last edited by Zeeshan; September 10, 2018 at 08:32 AM..
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