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Old August 29, 2018, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by DinRaat.
A Bengali supporting Trump, now I have seen it all

Kanye may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but when he said " we're supposed to have a monolithic thought, we can only be Democrats" he DOES hit the nail right home.

Frankly Republicans sometimes give me more respect than Dems. Informed Dems -who mostly constitute of college educated, white collar fairly affluent and politically cognizant white senior folks - odiously play this savior card where "we" minorities must be the protected species - LGBT, Muslims, Hispanics, feminists, etc etc - and "they" will be our savior. (And minorities are still seen as second class citizens from the perspectives of many Dems. I as if you are supposed to come to this country, go to college, play by the books, get a decent job, not ruffle any feathers, be the white knight and mommy's and daddy's (read: theirs) good little boy and girl ergo 'their' pawn.) I once wrote to NY Times why they always stereotypically feature poverty of Bangladesh instead of say comedians, or a juggler - to speak randomly- while they devote a full page on frikkin egg white souffle or some ish. As if the implications are as if in our country -or third world countries- we are not supposed to have Sexiest Man Alive or an avant-garde architect, a sex symbol, or anyone counterculture. *retch*

If you for a moment don't think we are in 'their' country, then you are clearly a naif who is deluding herself.

Obeam also had this sentiment that we must come to this country, do hard work and be the model boy valedictorians instead of dropping out of college and disrupting the establishment so that their ego can be comfortable and not threatened.

Not only that some people who are openly liberal and progressive can't help but ask: "Where you from?" I mean that douchebag Kimmel did that too to a dark-skinned Indian family. Thank God they replied [part of America] to which that idiot kept insisting: "No I mean originally from..."

STFU. Would he have said it had they been of lighter complexion? See there are good and bad in both sides. Right doesn't cover it up. While Dems do it in a more smarmy, subtle, nuanced way...

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