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Old April 19, 2012, 05:40 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Join Date: June 18, 2010
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what i wrote above regarding morals is the same reason many of you gave money to the well dressed guy for bus fare because your inner thoughts were this guy could just easily be me and it could have been me who needed the money. so i should help him out. what if he does need it...

recently there was a news about a fake cancer lady appealed to ppl for money to have a dream wedding. people related to her. they felt sad, each one of them felt, she is just like me, it could have been me with cancer and they give generously ... only to find later (a year later when husband ratted on her on divorce) they were duped. Things like this will create ppl who will doubt evryone and one day there will be a genuine person who will need help and who would deserve our help will be ignored.
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