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Old February 25, 2004, 04:51 AM
capslock capslock is offline
Test Cricketer
Join Date: August 29, 2003
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Originally posted by sage
It was a very nice chat about cricket in daily star. KZ Islam president of the nirman cricket pointed out one topic about diet of our player. I happend to be lucky enough to eat food of different culture and nation. Our food is very poor when it comes to nutritional values. Test wise it is great. In our rice we throw away most vitamines and nutrit with mar. 60% or more of our meal is rice. We donot eat enough protein from meat, get enough calcium from milk and so on. In Australia, USA they put ad to drink 3 glasses of milk per day. Each glass provide 30% of required daily calcium. Calcium translate to bone. Bone translate to strength for cricket. How many of us drank 3 glasses of milk? I never did. Another thing bad about our meal is spice! Too much spicy man! Do we really know how a chicken test like! We know the test of spice like tikka, dopaiza and bla bla. So I think it is a very fundamental problem of our nation, not only for cricket.

[Edited on 25-2-2004 by sage]

There are a huge number of fallacies with that statement, it's true that Bangladeshi's don't get adequete nutrition, but how many Pakistani's get it? Or Indians? Not a significant number, also, both Pakistani's also eat very spicy food, and many Indians are vegeterians, many Africans don't get adequete nutrition either, yet they're great atheletes, some even in cricket, so the other arguments don't work as well. This point is really tangential to our cricketing problems which lie more in attitude and mentality than something as mundane as diet.
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