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Old March 28, 2018, 07:35 AM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by DinRaat.
Why so much spite towards religion?
where do you see spite? I do not live and breathe religion that's all I am saying. I am simply not wired to see the world through religious lens - and I don't think that's so bad.

Not only religious talk. Any talk on self improvement by ppl who sells self improvement for living I would not have patience to listen to.

Like I said I go to jummah prayers when time permits - its peaceful but often times khutbas are done by uninteresting people and it's hard to give ear to someone like them. The guy is just doing his job and earning a living and often time parroting copied nonsense.

I was once in a prayer where a 14 year old gave a khutbah telling a mass of not less than 1000 people how to lead their life. What qualification in life does he really have? He doesn't even know 1% of life's struggle. If it is someone like malala - yes i will listen to or the survivors of parkland shooting - you got my ears. But if you are put up there because they managed to find the son of the guy in their comittee and can read english.. but at home plays video games all day. It's an insult.

Everybody's temporary reaction there was "mashallah 14 years old giving khutbah - great great" - not actually listening to content. That guy even touched topic such as relationship - ridiculous! and cringe-worthy.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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