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Old February 18, 2019, 07:05 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
Cricket Legend
Join Date: June 18, 2010
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One of Bernie Sanders brilliant idea was to not cap social security income. Bascially once ur earnings go above 130K or so SS tax stops as the max SS benefits they give u isn't worth the higher taxation. How is that a fair system? I am paying into a system all my life without any limit whatsoever so someone else who had lived all those years in the same country as me, had the same opportunity to save money for retirement but didn't can have the govt insurance paid by someone else?? I find this type of thinking very problematic.

taxing corporations, Big business, super wealthy and their investments at higher percentage is a lot different than what Bernie was planning to do. I like him because he had all his plans laid out.. He was a piss poor candidate for me because I read went through his plan. It's a punishing policy for those who worked hard for a better lifestyle than the absolute bottom.
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