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Old September 6, 2004, 02:15 AM
chinaman chinaman is offline
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Originally posted by AussieBloke
It wont sell by saying...the coach experimented with the team lineup..or this was a practice or warm-up match..
Nothing to sell. It was a practice match, wasn't it?
Originally posted by AussieBloke
Our cricketers need to treat each match as a do-or-die situation.
A professional team would approach each match according to its merit without risking unnecessary injuries. Anyway, I'm not defending the loss in any way, however, I'm not ready to deny the positives either.
Originally posted by PoorFan
Yes, it was a click of the top order once in a while, and no one can guarantee that they got their form back, because of this practice match.
Yes, it was a misclick of the bowlers once in a while, and no one can guarantee that they will lose their form again and again, because of this practice match.
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