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Old July 28, 2004, 10:56 PM
PoorFan PoorFan is offline
Join Date: June 15, 2004
Location: Tokyo <---> Dhaka
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Sorry for late reply.
Originally posted by SHISH AHMED

I've met the U19 boys and some of them have been playing only 3/4 years. Even some boys are 16/17 yrs old.
-->Definitely you must be more detailed than me then. Top order who faild, are
they 16/17? or they playing only 3/4 years? If they are then you got a point.

On the other hand the english boys have been playing for 6/7 yrs as they start off from school cricket then go on to age group level U13s, U14s U15s etc.
--->I think something BIG is missing our players, something basic.
Concentration,attitude,commitment,responsibility, sense all these are not technical
You can not learn these things from playing, if you go for it, it will take lot of time.
If you have experience of attend foreign school or collage, you will understand how they learn those things.
If we can improve these things, we will
see a different picture.

Bd has only started age group cricket in the last 2/3 years.
--> As i mention earlier, I think the technical skill is not the matter here,
since the personality is involve, we can not improve those fields playing some years.
Besids, there is no assurance that we will improve to compete major teams after
playing 6/7 years.

Also if you think Bangladesh Crickters have the same facilities as the English, please think again and come into the real world.
-->As you said, the facilities are not same.
We may never have the same facilities that England have.
But that doesnt mean that we have to wait until we get the sama facilities.
And again, there is no assurance that we will improve to compete major teams after
having the same facilities.

All of these are my openion, you could be right because have the chance to look closer the team then me.
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