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Old December 4, 2006, 01:24 PM
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Sauron Sauron is offline
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I posted this in Spitfire's thread, but it goes with this thread as well. So, replicating verbatim -

Mods need to allow some level of hostility when it comes to Politics. Otherwise there will be no political discussions possible.

When it comes to Bangladesh, politics is vitriolic to the extent of actually being hazardous to one's physical well-being. Obviously that carries over to the web as well.

If a thread becomes tit-for-tat for just two persons and easily could have been done over Private Messages and does not present any value whatsoever to rest of the members, only then it makes sense to lock a thread.

It seems that a certain someone with Chinese disposition has again become trigger-happy, just this time with locking threads as opposed to enforcing strict signature rules last time ...

PS - In the US, not too many people discuss politics - I do not think it is because they are educated better, but rather because they are more self-absorbed and too busy trying to make money.

In Bangladesh too many people perticipate in the street violence because for them it is entertainment and employment at the same time. If everyone had a job to earn living, no one would go clash with the police or rival parties. But discussing politics is different from actually participating in the destructive violence. I think it is better to discuss politics than not. It represents awareness (or at least the will to be aware).

I think this forum is the perfect place to discuss politics, especially with the elections looming. If not discuss it now, then when? All the members are educated and should be able to conduct debate with no need for slap on the wrist for content. Personal attack is different story though.

Anyway, forgive the long winded post. And hopefully no chinese lightning strikes my forehead
Of old there was Sauron the Maia...
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