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Old July 20, 2006, 06:40 AM
PoorFan PoorFan is offline
Join Date: June 15, 2004
Location: Tokyo <---> Dhaka
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Maybe... 'kidnap' or 'Hezbollah' is not the real issue. What we often hear from them ( Bush and Blair ) is, they are determined to bring democracy in Middle east. In that sense, Saddam was real and biggest threat for Israel and for the rest, and now he is gone. Syria and Iran comes next and both are said to be connected with Hezbollah. Destroying Hezbollah first, one way or another make sense. And an economic sanction may come next through UN on both Syria and Iran, in the name of terrorism and nuke issue. Couple of years later when Syria, Iran become weaker, unstable than now, and of course after settlement of somewhat Iraqi democratic government, the 2nd phase of 'Democracy in Middle east' may appear one way or another. In the mean time Muslim world has nothing much to do but watching, having no valid reason and support from rest of the world and even UN.

Political and economical instability in Muslim world will be more common, but definitely no world war 3 I think. Bad times are ahead for us ( Bangladesh ) too, and that seems more likely.
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