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Old June 30, 2006, 06:10 AM
Abd Abd is offline
Join Date: June 8, 2006
Posts: 74

Brothers, Not all arabs are same. I have found some arabs who are polite and it is comforting to be able to interact with them. But yes, arabs in general are rude and arrogent. You will see that arabs are hugging, kissing and behaving like brothers to the whites of first world countries. But because ur from a third world country, even if you cheer at their success, they act as if your their servant and you deserve to be low. When I think, the arabs they don't have any success. I mean, we bangladeshi had to start from a scrach to build our country. But they even needed help from westerners to get a country. They were not being oppressed like we were being, and yet they rebelled against the Ottomans. And they had help to get independent. And even after their independence, they didn't have to work hard. They found oil, and boom. Loads of money!! They spent that money to be build cities after cities by westerners, planned by westerners. If you see they actually didn't achieve anything unlike rest of the non-arab muslims. They even can't defend themselves. And the palestime issue, don't u think it is their political failure, I mean they are surrounded by all the muslim arabs, and yet see the israelis destroy palestine. I mean, what is happening in Gaza, do u follow the news? Only one soldier has been kidnapped by arabs, and look what the israelis do for that? They destroy gaza bridges and electrical lines and arrest one third of Hamas government officials. Why the israelis get this courage when all the neighbours are arabs and muslims. So u see, they are actually nothing. I mean, when there will be no oil to see. we'll see what happens to them then, when the support of US won't be there.
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