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Old June 13, 2006, 05:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Sydney
cant u guys take one decent lose sportingly ??
i havent seen anyone posting "yes..socceroos..congrats on ur win..u played well"... cuz they did.. n deserved to win that game...

but i just felt that we failed to appreciate a great win by a team who played their heart out till the dying seconds of the match with thier never-say-never attitude and registered a memorable victory...

Go the Socceroos...
What dissapoints me the most is that no one has taken to Australia, as they would any other underdog. Because thats what they are. Only 4 years ago, everyone took an instant liking to Korea and Senegal in the 2002 World Cup. Two years later, Greece, and Otto Rehagal, captured the hearts of many in Euro 2004. And yet, here we have a team, and a nation, only just beginning to make inroads on the world stage, only to be chastised for it.

I fear that it may have something to do with the same nations successes in other areas - or more specifically - in Cricket.
Dare to dream.