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Old April 3, 2018, 09:19 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by DinRaat.
2-3k for a camera. I can build a fully kitted out server/workstation with that much money.
those are for semi pro, enthusiasts. Entry level cameras are cheap. you can get kit with lenses with around 400 to 500 dollars. Lens i bought separately alone cost me 330 usd.

There is also secondary, refurbished market for both camera and lens. Ebay can be a good place. So anyone with photography interest can have all their gears for ~500 starting out, which i think is not a barrier for anyone with access to internet.

Or one can save up and go for glory. Which personally i don't think is necessary - if you become that good, money will come for your next purchase automatically. That's just the laws of the world.

But life is short. Cant' be wasting time.. just gotta do things that u can or Move on or let things go that you can't.

So don't worry about 3k camera, you can do a lot of damage with a 400 dollars refurbished one.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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