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Old April 3, 2018, 12:17 AM
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Antora Antora is offline
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Join Date: February 28, 2007
Location: melbourne, Australia
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Originally Posted by DinRaat.
Do you guys think mobile photography technology will ever overtake DSLR, heck maybe it already has.

We may even start to see phones dedicated to just photography.
I feel like in a few years time no one will be using a dslr. These things are heavy. I have a normal Canon 750D and I get tired carrying it and pass it to my brother when traveling so, I can't imagine how photographers carry all those lenses and camera parts around with them everywhere.

In terms of phones dedicated to just photography, I think Oppo has kind of already started that trend advertising their phones as "camera phone". I'd say iphoneX has kind of done the same.

Originally Posted by DinRaat.
People in remote parts of Australia eat Kangaroo meat and Emu ****.
Kangaroo meat I've been told is very healthy for consumption....

Also those pictures of the spider and snake. I dropped my phone seeing those. Gross and scary
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