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Old January 8, 2018, 05:12 PM
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Eshen Eshen is offline
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Join Date: August 27, 2007
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Generally, yes, you pick players based on their current forms. However, all the teams around the world give more leniency to a senior player when he is out of form, especially if the team is going abroad where conditions are unfamiliar to junior players.

Also, there are other ways to judge a player's form besides match stats. Riyad has been inconsistent through out his career, but technically he is sound now more than ever.

Soumya on the other hand has been struggling badly last one year or so reading the line-length of a ball, showing lots of hesitations whether to play on front foot or back foot. When you keep making elementary mistakes like that, it becomes easy for the oppositions bowlers to set you up, which has been happening frequently in his case. When a batsman does not have his basics right, generally the right course of action is to give him a break, send him back to domestics to work on his shortcomings.
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