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Old December 31, 2017, 04:48 PM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
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Originally Posted by Yankees
I can't like this post enough

Should be stickied for all to read and contemplate.
I will give you examples of good customer service so that you (as in all) have better understanding where I am coming from.
(Because at the end of the day being a CEO of a company or leadership or managing a forum is all about customer service and making each and every member happy with complete undivided attention to their needs. It's not about "Control" and "Power"; good leadership is all about engagement and being considerate.)

Two times I entered Wisden competition. And each time the way the editors graciously acknowledged my acceptance or submission made me feel like a winner already even though I didn't win. They were courteous and friendly and professional. They made me and I assume everyone who entered feel special. In Buddhism - and I am not bringing religion in here, it's more a way or philosophy- they say that the most important person in the room is the one in front of you. Good leaders bring the best out of you. They make you feel like million dollar person and give complete and undivided attention.

Similarly in many important movers n' shakers type of Facebook pages - such as Lego or Coca Cola- they take the effort and time to personally reply as many comments as possible tediously. Some are complaints, some are thanks..

When Jimmy Choo founder Tamara Mellon was asked: "How do you deal with elitism?" by Google she promptly replied that gone are those and now they listen to public.

This idea that I will sit on my throne and lest I interact with people - the commoners, the mass, the hoi polloi- I will lose all my precious weight, prestige and gravity is outdated, is frankly insulting and speaks more about the insecurity of that person if not a misplaced perception of one's self-importance.

Watch the TV show Kyle XY. If I was God in real life, would I avoid interacting with average Joe Schmoe? No absolutely not. I'd be so much secure I'd engage in everyone's day to day lives and interact with everyone. Kinda like Caliph of Baghdad who played God and tested people.

The point being a self-actualized man has nothing to prove. He has no wants nor needs and engaging or interacting with people and paying attention to their needs and concerns does not tarnish their image least bit...

...instead it makes them even more magnanimous.

Heh... you learn a thing or two when study positive psychology.

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