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Old December 4, 2016, 01:42 AM
jeesh jeesh is offline
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Originally Posted by Dilscoop
^ Screw that! Sabbir is doing the right thing by clearing his name. And he just made a video, that's it. But he should sue whichever committee is responsible for smearing his name or getting involved in his personal business. I'm gonna take a wild but prob an accurate guess that this has something to do with some mustache-marka, chorbi-walla, lungi-and-tie wearing idiot with powertrip and their daughters. As if Sabbir should be saving himself for their ugly daughters. Same thing happened with Shakib IIRC. Except Shakib is too big for any of that BS. I can't imagine if some other lesser players get forced into doing BS.

Players need to stand up against whoever whenever they're mistreated.
So you are defending Shakib's actions prior to his ban and fine?
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