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Old September 11, 2012, 02:00 PM
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AsifTheManRahman AsifTheManRahman is offline
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Originally Posted by Achilles
Sohel...Hi...are we talking about the same Pujara? Or are you in a diiferent universe?....Or maybe you are overlooking his amazing beginning against the Aussies and the Saffers.....or maybe you are just plain nitpicking.......on the matter if succeeding against opponents he has done well against (in the past)....only time will tell...but I can tell you one thing....he will do way better than a lot of players especially from your neck of the woods.....sorry if it offends you....but maybe you need to be less biased against Indian players! Oh and for the one has been confortable against spin, pace, drift and swing at fullish length on a consistent basis!
OK, the part in bold just pissed me right off. You want to argue with the points he made, fine, but don't take things out of context. Just because he is Bangladeshi doesn't mean he has to worship every Indian player that's out there. Show me where in his post he dissed Indian players in general or claimed that Bangladeshi batsmen are superior. Please, show me, because you seem to see something that I don't.

Maybe you should do your research before you jerk your knee? Go look at the name of the guy who opened this thread. Show me where in that thread the same guy hasn't praised Kohli profusely to the point where it seems he'd marry him if he had the chance. Please show me, because you seem to see something that I don't.

It's so easy to just jump on somebody and so hard to challenge their argument without making it personal, isn't it? Not allowed to criticize players of a certain background just because someone is from a certain place that doesn't produce great cricketers? What kind of racist crap is that? Are you going to remind a cricket fan from Mongolia about the virtually non-existent state of his country's cricket the minute he posts something negative about a Test player?

Keep things in context.
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