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Old July 29, 2012, 01:41 AM
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Sohel Sohel is offline
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Originally Posted by Rifat
The OP video contains verses of the Qur'an, While you claim to believe that Qur'an is the actual word of GOD, then how can the video be "Absurdly dumb" while it contains the words of Allah?
Context? Look up the word and reflect. While you're at it, look up "similitude" also in the sacred verse.

Totally expected comment from you BTW. No wonder you opened this thread and posted the aforesaid video. Your comment alone suggests that I shouldn't expect you to understand my response no matter what. I have neither the ability nor the desire to try at this point. This is Ramzan, I'm on BC with its Forum Rules and I need to be nicer to certain types of people in general until I meet them on an actual battlefield, so I won't waste my time interacting at this point.

But I'm always watching as are many, MANY believing men and women behind me. The tragic combination of dangerous and anti-social psychosomatic issues, ignorance and intellectual dishonesty, sheer stupidity and religious supremacy, and over-the-top external piety led to a great deal of terror and violence in the past, but I can assure you, WILL be met InshAllah with decisive force again and again on the battlefield -- a cohesive and coordinated force both preemptive and responsive -- no matter what sort of discourse it is hiding under.

The "religious" ones in particular are an even bigger enemies of the faith than anything outside of it and will NOT be allowed to prevail, hear us GOD. GOD defines righteousness without ambiguity, and guarantees victory to the righteous, not those who simply look the part while transgressing His commandments in His name. Religious intent without absolute deference and true submission ALSO expressed by the holistic use of the senses tempered by good faith application of the intellect, is the type of "intent" only the road to hell is paved with. How's that for a "reminder"?

It IS a dumb, VERY dumb video in my opinion but I don't expect someone who feels otherwise to share that opinion. You also have the right to have an opinion on the nature of my faith and my relationship with GOD and His word, but I don't have to qualify that more than I have already.

Peace & GOD bless~
"And do not curse those who call on other than GOD, lest they blaspheme and curse GOD, out of ignorance. We have adorned the works of every group in their eyes. Ultimately, they return to their Lord, then He informs them of everything they had done." (Qur'an 6:108)

Last edited by Sohel; July 29, 2012 at 02:58 AM..
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