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Old July 6, 2012, 03:16 AM
Banglatiger84 Banglatiger84 is offline
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Originally Posted by Nasif

You will hear many saying western society is making our kids bad. My answer is if that's true and you believe it, then please save your kids and go back to east! In reality no one does that..
Actually some of them do: not just Muslims, but indian non Muslims as well who think kids will grow up with achhi sanskar in India.
Then they find out that children are as "fast" in any metro in India as they are in the West, and same goes for Muslim countries.

Parents who think their children will be exposed to bad things in the West but not in the East, are making one crucial mistake: they are comparing India or Bangladesh 25 years back (when they were growing up) with the US or Canada today.

If they did a proper comparison of both places in the same time period, they would notice not much difference: sure enough there will be superficial difference where western kids are a bit more independent, and a bit less street smart

However in terms of access to "ills" and availing those accesses, there is precious little difference.
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