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Old June 21, 2012, 03:00 AM
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Sohel NR Bro,

Thank you for sharing these videos.

Alhamdulillah! While I understand what you said, though I must apologize that i failed to convey what I really wanted to say. When someone Asks me about my identity: I say I am a Muslim, as simple as that, not maliki, Hanafi, shaf'ee, Hanbali, Salafi, Sufi, Tablighi or any other respected group(Though I may personally agree with with most of the teachings from all the mentioned groups). When I said, pure, sincere, unadulterated, original form of Islam I meant Islam as practiced by Prophet Mohammad(SalAllahu A'laihe wasallam) and his companions(May Allah be pleased with them). They practiced Islam in such a way that They lived their life as if Allah is watching them every moment in their life. There was no contradiction between their speech and actions. Shiekh Abdul Hakim Murad's last video about a women wanting to accept Islam but them someone yelled at her BID'A since she used tasbeeh beats...based on my study of the Life of The Prophet SalAllahu A'laihe wasallam and his companions a true Muslim would have reacted differently to that situation. something similar to this:

He or She would have said, As-salamu A'laikum Sister, that is a nice tasbeet you got there. Did you know that The Prophet SalAllahu A'laihe wasallam and his companions used their fingers to do Dhikr, as it is very easy to keep track and it is quite natural.

My point is the true followers of Prophet Mohammad(SalAllahu Alaihe wasallam) are very easy going, tolerant and very respectful. of course, they would NEVER commit such atrocities such as the 1971 war, NOT EVEN to the disbelievers...of course, we say to ourselves, these people who commit/committed such acts, in the name of Islam, how can they be true Muslims and stand in front of GOD when they clearly killed people who

1. Proclaimed to be Muslims

2. the nature of their dealings clearly contradicted the way of the Messenger(SalAllhu A'laihe wasallam) and his companions.

one can clearly conclude that war of 1971 was more of a political battle than a religious one(although a religious excuse may have been used to justify it)!

one more thing, I know very little about the 1971 war, If you have any reliable books/internet sources please feel free to educate me.

one more thing, i only watched a couple of the videos you posted, I havn't watched the other one. so Please be patient with me
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