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Old May 12, 2012, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Purbasha T
Good. Now here's a person who believes in God, has submitted his will to God but doesn't quite believe in the Qur'an. Can he be called a Muslim.. according to the Qur'an?

Believing in the books is one of the articles of faith/iman. Five mandatory articles of faith are: Verse 2:177 and few other places...

1. Unity of Allah
2. That Messengers have been sent by Allah
3. That he has created Angels
4. That he has sent Books
5. That there will be a day of judgement.

Not accepting Quran equals to Rejecting Allah's Words ... So that's not submission to Allah, as such he can't be a Muslim.

Accepting it and not following, is something else...
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