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Old November 29, 2011, 01:11 PM
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AsifTheManRahman AsifTheManRahman is offline
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Having both Naeem and Imrul open was probably the biggest FAIL one could blog about. Not sure what the idea was - Imrul would keep the score ticking with streaky boundaries and Naeem hold up one end seeing that the target wasn't monumental? Given his current form, Naeem should only play Tests.

I woke up, took a look at the scorecard, triple face-palmed myself when I saw the names of the first three batsmen in the line-up and went back to sleep. It's ok to give Alok a chance, but you don't play him right after Imrul and Naeem when clearly all three are big-time sissies. Might as well play with 8 men instead of 11.
Screw the IPL, I'm going to the MLC!
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