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Old April 29, 2011, 06:39 PM
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Fazal Fazal is offline
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Join Date: September 16, 2004
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I love it.... I love it.

Right or wrong I liked the fact that BCB is fighting back, showing some backbone.

Siddon was right in some sense, so was BCB. On the other hand Siddon cannot wash his hand and blame to all others, so is BCB. To be honest they are both guilty party in some way.

BCB always" had" and will "have" hard time getting a coach. So nothing changes there., But now Siddon will also have hard time getting a job, even like a job like batting coach for AUS national team. It gives an impression that Siddon is bad-mouthing his ex-employer after the fact that he was sacked (in a way). In that interview, one thing was missing, i.e. what he had done wrong or could have done better.

Siddon opened the floodgate and the dirty laundry will start coming out from both end.

Lets the slug fight begin.....
"Make Bangladesh Cricket Great Again"

Last edited by Fazal; April 29, 2011 at 08:58 PM..
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