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Old March 5, 2011, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by ammark
I'm not denying black magic as written in the Quran. I have read it, and about it, and been told about it before. Because I know its there, thats why I'm asking you.

If I firmly believe that I control my fate, and surely Allah, the All-Knowing has predestined me to that fate, should it not render the effects of black magic useless? Or at least I will ignore the impact of black magic, and work to control my fate, no?
well, as it is stated a bazillion times in the qur'an:

InnAllaha A'la kulli shaeen Qadir!

Indeed Allah has control over all the fact that "Black Magic" occurs is also under his control!

sometimes in life you get upset? right? do you have control over your emotions? so you have total control over your thoughts? do you know what you will think in the next hour?
is there any guarantee?
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