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Old June 29, 2003, 11:20 PM
rafiq rafiq is offline
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Join Date: September 22, 2002
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Default get better coaching early

my only suggestion would be to have players work with good coaches when they are young so they can learn the right techniques and tactics to play the game.

It seems most of the guys on the team who struggle have really bad technique - getting in line, foot movement, timing,etc as well as tactics - shot selection, rotating strike, sometimes field placement and bowler rotation, etc.

Although bad habits can be unlearned with proper instruction and practise, it is hard if you have been doing it the wrong way for a long time. The mental side of the game goes down as well, because you begin to believe you really aren't that good and won't get that much better.

I learn a lot froom the 11 & 12 year old boys whom I coach in soccer. In fact, I think they are going through the same struggle that the BD team is going through in cricket. They have great potential, but picked up really poor fundamentals and technique when they first started playing at age 6 or 7. Why? Because they didn't have proper instruction and no one taught them the right way to play. So now, the trainers at our soccer club have to work with them so they can unlearn 6 years of bad stuff and then learn to do things right - "look up when you dribble", "pass into open space", "control the ball with one touch", etc. These kids get beter all the time, but they will never be as good as the kids who learned it the right way to begin with.

Somehow i think that may be true for BD cricket as well.
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